Our bees are predominantly situated in populated Urban areas, dotted around in the suburbs of The Hunter on rooftops, balconies and in backyards. If you are thinking of keeping bees in a suburban environment there are a few things you need to know. All our bees are raised by us to be calm and easily handled. They are perfect for the beginning beekeeper and experienced hand alike. Like all bees they need to be handled with kindness and respect.
It is best to get your nucleus, full colony or swarm in Spring or Summer so they have the best chance to become well established in their first season. In order to sell you bees you must be registered as a beekeeper with the Department of Primary Industries. We are required by law to give your licence details to the DPI for the tracking of beehive movements. This is a legal requirement under the Biosecurity Act.

Nucleus Colony
A nucleus colony is perfect for getting your beehive started. They come with a mixture of young developing bees, older foragers, a laying queen, pollen stores and honey. They are made to be transferred straight away in to your empty hive with room to begin expanding for spring and summer. They are suitable for traditional Langstroth hives and Flow hives.

Queen and her attendance
Swarms are new colonies that have come from existing hives or wild colonies. Each year we collect swarms from all over the Hunter. Swarms can be added to any type of hive, Langstroth, Flow, Warre or Top-bar. We do not recommend using a swarm to start a flow or top bar hive if you are a beginner.
Live bee removal and rehoming
Do you have bees somewhere they don't belong? We do professional humane removal and relocation of swarms and beehives from places such as wall and roof cavities, chimneys, compost bins and other odd places bees build their homes. Our aim is to rescue these unwanted bees and give them a brand new hive to live in. Cost is $50 per hour with an estimation given after initial inspection.

"It is important that you do some training or have an experienced mentor that can help you. There is a lot to know about keeping your bees healthy and happy. We want to make sure our bees are going to a good home, with the best chance to thrive."
Kelly Lees